What is a Smart Home System?

✔ 25% of household energy usage is unnecessary

✔ 89% of burglars said a smart home would put them off targeting a property

✔ Getting a smart home could save you more than £450 per year

When you put it like that, a smart home system sounds like a great idea – after all, why wouldn’t you want computers and robots to run everything boring or routine in your life?

With your smart devices taking care of the washing, cooking, cleaning, bins, laundry, and more, you’ll have more time to relax, recharge, and have fun with your loved ones.

Better still, a smart home could also save you money. A US government report from 2014 found that 25% of household energy usage is unnecessary, and a smart home system can help cut this down.

“Studies indicate that smart home technologies could reduce energy use in homes by almost 30%.” – Connected Devices Alliance

For the average home in the UK, this 30% reduction would mean an annual saving of more than £450, according to data from Ofgem and Water.org.uk.

71% of people in the UK own at least two smart products, and that number is likely to rise. A study by GfK found that among the public, when it comes to smart products, the level of interest and intent to buy is higher than the level of ownership – so with this in mind, let’s demystify smart home systems, and find you the best products out there.